Lake Baikal

Photographs of Lake Baikal

Peschanaya Bay
Peschanaya Bay
Peschanaya Bay

Photographs from my journeys for you to enjoy. This photo–exhibition will be regularly up–dated with new shots. You can also find photos of the lake alongside the description of journey around Baikal.

The photo–exhibition is divided into a few thematic sections, mainly on a geographic basis. The present exhibition shows photographs of practically the entire western coast of Baikal that has been roughly divided into the south–western (to the south of the Olkhon Vorota Strait) and north–western (to the north of Cape Zama, the conventional border of the Maloye Morye), and the northern part of the east coast.

This can be viewed in a «quick glance» mode when the photos are shown as a group of thumbnail pictures, a click on each of which will open up a full–scale picture in the same window, or by going from one picture to another in full–view mode. One can return at any time to the «picture baikal–photos» of thumbnail pictures where a photograph belongs. Enjoy the views!

Galleries of the album of Baikal landscapes: